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What are logical functions in Excel?

In the most simple terms… Logical functions are used to determine whether to perform an action or not perform the action by making comparisons and returning True or False as the result of a simple comparison. However using logical functions in practicality is much cooler… Use them to determine whether to apply a conditional format (or not), whether to insert a specific string of text (or not), whether to make a calculation (or not)… You get the picture.

Read Danielle O'Connell's answer to What are logical tests in Excel? on Quora

The Logical Function IF

The IF function is different from the other logical functions as it does not return TRUE or FALSE. Instead the IF function makes a decision based on the result of a logical test.

The following video is an extract from our Excel Intermediate Course, click here to get the activity file and follow along with the exercise.

Multiple logical tests can be tested in a single IF function with use of the AND/OR functions. For example, if you wanted to indicate that any priority clients that are currently using Windows 7 are due for an update use the following code:
=IF(AND(D5=”Priority”,E5=”Windows 7″),”Yes”,”No”)
Logical functions if and conditions
