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Post By: Dani
If you’re a keyboard user (like me) and hate having to take your hands off of the keyboard to reach for the mouse… There’s a keyboard shortcut to achieve everything in Excel. Ctrl, Alt and Shift in combination with letter keys, number keys and each other are used to negate the need for your hands […]
If you’re wasting time with tedious and repetitive tasks in Excel, it might be time to review your processes or do some training. Macros can be created to automate so much manual processing in Excel. Here’s a simple “copy all files in a folder to a single workbook” macro. This one loops through all files […]
Return the first, second, third or nth cell that meets given criteria with a “simple” array formula…The instruction in this sample will show you which functions you’ll need and illustrate how they all work together
The CONCATENATE function in Excel has never been one of my toolbox – too cumbersome, but the newest version of Excel includes the TEXTJOIN function… like Concatenate but so much more intuitive. Check it out!
Array formulas are pretty handy. This example looks for records that match columns A, B & C between 2 sheets, returns the text “Duplicate” only if there is a record that matches all 3 columns and nothing if it doesn’t… There aren’t many Excel instructors who teach Excel to this level – but I do. […]
Easily find, edit, add and delete records in an Excel data table using the forms tool. Excel’s Form tool simulates a database user interface when working with structured tables holding multiple records in Excel. It’s super simple to use and requires absolutely NO setting up. The Form tool isn’t available in Excel’s default ribbon though, […]
A drop down list in Excel can be used to restrict entries in a cell or cells, or simply to guide users and make it easier for them to complete entry of records or form items and they’re easier to create than you might think. Activity File Download the following activity file, then watch this […]
Headers and Footers in Word documents leave many users confused. They change when you don’t want them to, don’t change when you do want them to and sometimes they just appear or disappear when you’ve done something seemingly unrelated. There’s always a reason why Word does what it does with the headers and footers. Although […]
When my friend and business associate (Jo from DVE Solutions) visited Sunrise Children’s village in Cambodia with the Project GenZ team last year, I heard stories of a war torn country and school aged children with no option but to work to ensure their family’s survival. I learnt about a brutal regime that killed more […]
A well designed spreadsheet is like modern day magic. Linked cells, conditional formatting and clever formula writing can all be combined to analyse data and present results in less time than it takes to pull a rabbit from a hat. Incorporating new efficiencies into your spreadsheets may seem daunting, but there’s lots of solutions out […]
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