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Recent Excel

Add and name a new worksheet using VBA code

It’s easy to manually add and name a new sheet to your Excel workbook, but sometimes you need it to occur within your code. Here’s how you can create a new worksheet using VBA code: Read Danielle O'Connell's answer to How do I add a single new sheet and name it using VBA in Excel? […]

Numbers Stored as Text in Excel

Numbers stored as text (or numbers stored as numbers when you expect them to be stored as text) can be tricky little buggers that cause no end of confusion when cells that by all appearances should match – don’t match. Fortunately, just like everything else in Excel – once you understand the source of the […]

Sales Recorder & Dashboard

Download a simple Excel based Sales Recorder that facilitates simple recording of products and/or services sales per individual transaction and allows results to be presented in whatever format is required by the user. The total sales for the prior twelve months and the sales for the requested time frame per product are visually presented on […]

Alternatives to using nested IF statements in Excel

IF statements are a super handy Excel functions, but sometimes they’re used in circumstances where another function would work better. Here’s some other formulas that may be simpler to get the required results. Read Danielle O'Connell's answer to How do you prevent writing multiple IF statements in Excel? on Quora

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